Flight Patterns


Margie McCreless Roe

ISBN 0-9725562-0-6

92 pages, 2003

In Margie’s first collection of poems, life’s mysteries both “ordinary” and transcendent are brought into language that is conversational yet lyrical. Deeply thoughtful and full of heart. Family relationships, connections with the mountains of Colorado and the heat of South Texas, intersections of science and faith, as well as awareness of the liturgical seasons of the Church all find voice in this gathering of poems.

Praise for Flight Patterns:

“Margie Roe has been one of my favorite ­writers for a very long time. Her finely ­crafted, carefully-perceived poems call us to full ­attention, restore a precious balance in our seeing and listening. They infuse and ­sustain. Please celebrate this debut volume by a profoundly humane and gifted writer and friend.” – Naomi Shihab Nye

From Flight Patterns:


At Waxahachie they tried to drop
a great ring of emptiness
into the ground.
They wanted to race atoms into the void
around and around, faster and faster.
They wanted to study chaos
at high speeds.
They wanted to break
the universe open.

Long hours on the highway,
observing the speed limit,
observing the limits in living,
I contemplate chaos, accident, luck,
and what it would mean to trust
the god of small particles.

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